Friday, December 20, 2002

ITS ALWAYS ABOUT U.S.: Tom Engelhardt argues that the U.S. is largely responsible for Roh Moo-hyun's victory, though this is obviously not what the Bush Administration intended. He sees this as part of a larger trend:
After all, this is the second unwelcome administration the Bushites have inadvertently managed to elect. Gerhardt Schroeder's Social Democratic Party squeaked by in Germany on a vehemently anti-Iraq war policy. My hopeful question is: Can the Bush administration single-handedly turn back what seemed to be a global electoral right-wing tide? Or put another way, there is hope out there beyond our shores

Relations with the U.S. and the rising tide of anti-American sentiment certainly played a role in Roh's victory (and it may have done so in Germany as well, though I know far less about the German case) but it was far from the only issue in the election. But right-wing proponents of America's superpower status and presence in the world and left-wing critics of the same share one thing in common: its always about us. Which is true enough . . . except when it isn't . . . which is most of the time.

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