Friday, July 11, 2003

NOW HE TELLS ME. Larry Niksch writes in the Far Eastern Economic Review about North Korea
The Bush administration's policy is working. Kim Jong Il's provocations are following the script laid out by Bush. Japan is prepared to join the U.S. in full-scale economic sanctions. South Korea, despite its doubts about U.S. policy, links economic cooperation with North Korea to resolving the nuclear issue. Planning for military interdiction of North Korea's sea and air traffic has moved from internal U.S. planning to multilateral planning with other governments.

So far, so good (if you agree with the fundamental contention that regime change is necessary). After discussing options and obstacles, he concludes:
Nevertheless, the U.S. administration's coercive agenda is under way. If sanctions and interdiction do not produce regime change or diplomatic capitulation relatively soon, the administration may well consider direct military options. American military planning appears to have moved away from a contingent strike against North Korea's nuclear facility to a broader plan of massive strikes against multiple targets. The period July-October looms as a dangerous one to be in and around Korea.

Great! Actually, I'm not too concerned (perhaps I should be?)

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