Tuesday, November 04, 2003

TAPPED HAS A NICE ROUND-UP OF OP-EDS AND NEWS SHOWS. They work hard so you don't have to. Examples:
David Brooks. I'm pretending to praise Dick Gephardt while actually bashing all Democrats and totally ignoring the president's terrible record on trade. That's sort of impressive.

Nicholas Kristof. My one-room schoolhouse may not have taught me calculus, but I sure did learn to feel good about myself.

Colbert King. Things are still bad in D.C., but I'll leave Baghdad out of it for once.

Maureen Dowd. I probably should have written this column when Jayson Blair was still in the news, but I'll settle for Shattered Glass as a peg instead.

Thomas Friedman. Notwithstanding the fact that they've met several times before, if Bush, Chirac and Schroeder would just sit down and talk, they'd resolove their differences and figure out that I was right all along.

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