Thursday, January 22, 2004

LIVE BY THE INTERNET, DIE BY THE INTERNET. The "Dean Scream" is making its way around cyberspace at the speed of light and morphing as it goes.

UPDATE: As long as we're piling on Dean, check out Letterman's Top Ten Reasons Why Dean lost in Iowa (thanks to Vodkapundit for the link)
Top Ten Howard Dean Excuses
10. "The Iowans turned it into a popularity contest"

9. "People don't seem to find shouting 'Presidential'"

8. "Weekend before the caucus, wasted 55 crucial hours marrying Britney Spears"

7. "By mistake, campaigned in Ohio"

6. "Due to fatigue on campaign trail, kissed hands and shook babies"

5. "Dennis Kucinich stole one percent of my vote"

4. "Saddam Hussein endorsement didn't help"

3. "In retrospect, shouldn't have opened speeches with 'Yo Mama' jokes"

2. "Bad idea to keep asking self, 'What would Dukakis do?'"

1. "Majority of voter base stayed home to watch 'My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance'"

UPDATE: And then there's this.

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