Monday, June 07, 2004


Released by the ROK National Statistical Office. Highlights:
According to 2001 Population Projection, the proportion of persons aged 0 to 18 occupied 25.1 percent with 12,099 thousand persons and that of persons aged 9 to 24 occupied 23.3 percent with 11,242 thousand persons, as of July 1st 2004.
More than 90 percent of the youth responded that their parents should be responsible for their whole or partial college education expenditure. More than 80 percent of the youth responded that their parents should be responsible for their whole or partial marriage expenditure. Over 70 percent of the youth responded that their parents should support for their whole or partial house purchases.
In 2002, 64.7 percent of 20 to 24 years old people were for marriage. 32.2 percent of the respondents aged 20 to 24 thought marriage could be a choice. 1.5 percent of 20 to 24 years old people were against marriage.
In 2003, 99.7 percent of 15 to 19 years old youth were computer-literate and 99.2 percent of 20 to 24 years old youth were computer-literate.

87.0 percent of the 15 to 19 years old youth used computers for¸PC communication and Internet, followed by¡¸games and entertainment(71.1 percent),education-related(42.8 percent), and¸management of information data(39.5 percent.
Those young-uns don't know how good they've got it. Why, back in our day we had to .... (drifts off into predictable generational ranting).

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