Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Let's see...

Marc Hideo Miyake fears the dismemberment of Hawaii. He also has some interesting thoughts on English, Spanish and other "indigenous" languages.

Cathartidae notes that cell phone companies have entered the never-ending Tokdo/Takeshima controversy (more here).

Andy Jackson discovers a new face hawking beer in Korea.

Ann Althouse listened to the same Daniel Schorr piece on NPR as I did today and had the same jaw-dropping reaction: did I just hear Schorr say Bush "may have had it right"??? Daniel Schorr? Wow!

Annti Leppanen notes that the new "Chinese" pronunciation of Seoul, "Shou-er," seems to be taking off in China.

Kathreb doesn't much care for Nick Eberstadt's latest Washington Post op-ed. A snippet:
Having nuclear weapons gives the North no advantage over the US. It does not improve their chances of winning the on-going conflict with South Korea. The North does not need nukes to hit the American enemy, all they need do is fire across the DMZ. Moreover, if the aim is to prompt the US to withdraw troops it is likely to do the opposite.

Jeff Jarvis notes that all Christians in America are not alike:
I'm a Howard-Stern-loving, gay-marriage-backing, prochoice, Clinton-voting, separation-of-church-and-state, cabernet-guzzling Christian.
Hugh Hewitt might not approve.

Kotaji has some interesting posts on uprisings in North Korea, both real and imagined.

"Captain Ed" takes offense at Senator Robert Byrd's history lesson about Nazi Germany and potential parallels to our day. Methinks perhaps he doth protest too much. Just cite Godwin's Law and move on.

NK Zone continues its heroic efforts to keep the world informed as to the latest developments in North Korean gambling casinos.

Did South Korea's First Lady have eyelid surgery? Oranckay has the goods.

Daniel Drezner argues that we may have moved from "one step forward, two steps back" in the Middle East to "two steps forward, one step back." He also links to a quote about Paris Hilton that may very well be a sign of the apocalypse:
“It became obvious to her what was going on,” says the source. “She was pretty upset about it. It’s one thing to have people looking at your sex tapes, but having people reading your personal e-mails is a real invasion of privacy.”
I'm speechless.

Seeing Eye Blog continues its useful work of highlighting and translating the latest Korean political cartoons (you do read those, don't you?)

Virginia Postrel notes another reason why there are fewer women in science: globalization.
One reason there are so few women in science is very simple -- at least for math sciences and engineering fields -- it has to do with the status of women internationally, not here in the USA.
[*] men from every society on earth are applying in large numbers for graduate schools in the USA.

[*] women not from the US are very much less likely than men from the same country to be applying for graduate schools here in the USA.

[*] in many research universities there is a very small fraction of americans among the applicants.

Here's a concrete example: There are many Iranians in better Electrical Engineering departments nationwide. And Iranians are known to be among the best students of EE. However, very few of these prospective students are women.

They're searching for an English version of the March 1, 1919 Korean Declaration of Independence over at the Marmot's Hole.

The Party Pooper satisfies anyone's need for photos of has-been boy band sensation H.O.T.

Denevan doesn't like Oprah.

University Diaries follows the saga of murder by English Professor: Because
professors, when they murder, get noticed.

Even English professors!

Mark Kleiman argues that the Supreme Court voted to increase prison rape in California.

The woeful Bobcats just spanked the CWebb-less Kings.

That should be enough to keep y'all busy.

Miyake's cri de couer about the Akaka bill is based on at least one gross error: the case of Hawai'i is nearly unique in US territory in that it was a sovereign multi-ethnic state which was, largely by force, without proper legal coverage and against the will of the majority of its population, integrated into US territory. The fact that the Kingdom of Hawai'i attempted to be a modern state, instead of being colonized straight-out in its tribal phase as other indigenous peoples were, is very unusual. The "precedent" set by the Akaka Bill would be very hard for other groups to use as a model. My take on it is here.
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